
My photo
Beautiful rusty hymns will echo through their halls before we're done, and they will feel our fucking anger, our despair, and our fucking joy. So much of our joy. So fucking much. Chew on that.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Blogspot is Dead

I moved to tumblr.


Ok, so I tried to start one on there originally, but got frustrated. Now I'm back on there. Transfering the only posts I really like from this one.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Snitches get Stitches.

This post is dedicated to filthy, good for nothing snitches, rats, informants, and other such weasels. Especially those that talk to the media afterwards.

Seriously. Don't rat on your friends.

If A Tree Falls

A Story of the Earth Liberation Front

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"What I think of Seattle." or "I've never been to Seattle, but..."

you want to read some depressing shit? just follow the articles and comments on this site:

Puget Sound Anarchists

O the drama. Its like Richmond x100.

Grow up Seattle. You make me hate anarchy. I'd rather go to this:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Race Traitor

This is mostly so I remember to read this. Not sure how I feel about some of the concepts yet.

"So Long as You Think You are White, There is No Hope For You" - An article from the now defunct Race Traitor periodical from the '90s.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


negative day.

hot day.

"The best thing for people, I mean people globally, would be for the United States to crumble and burn....And a lot of us will probably go down with it.....Some days I just have a hard time dealing with it. But then I have a good day and get a goodnight's sleep and hang out with some friends, and I feel ok."

pool water and no diving=boring fucking concrete ditch

too much sushi. too much money. alone time.

god's pee is back at it.

OK day.
